Sometimes The Silence Is The Answer

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“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”-1 Thessalonians 5:11*

It has been a while, my friends.  I didn’t plan on taking a writing hiatus, it happened.  You know what?

I needed it.

Life got really busy with family and I have so enjoyed it.  There were laughs, hugs, tears, and arguments, but for a small stretch of time, I had all my kiddos under one roof (and two granddaughters, a niece, and a third dog).  It was way overdue and I wanted to embrace this precious time and make memories.

But somewhere along the way, I realized I had not been writing and it appeared no one else noticed my absence either.  Which got me to thinking, am I supposed to be writing?  Is this truly what God has called me to do?

The answer is I don’t know.

When I started this writing venture it was to talk about my grief journey.  I have covered this topic a lot; maybe even beating it into the ground.  Now I wonder, do I have more to give other than relating to grief?

I hope so, but am not sure what it exactly looks like.  I am also not sure if I have it in me.

One thing I do know is I am not giving up, yet.

I have invariably been a person who likes to see the glass as half full, find the silver lining, and celebrate the small victories.  I have been an encourager, champion, and cheerleader for others.  I like to give rather than receive, and I consistently root for the underdog.  Now, I need some of this and I actually don’t know how to go about focusing on me.

It is scary and makes me feel vulnerable.  Not my strong suit.

So, I have been reading other people’s blogs, books, and articles.  Trying to let go of my pity party and look for a spark, a light, to inspire me not to give up and keep writing.  I am praying about it and trying to hear God in all this mess.

Sometimes the silence is also the answer.

I share this because perhaps you too have been discouraged at some aspect in life.  I find the best way to get out of the funk is to know I am not alone.  There are others who struggle and find their way up and out.  I know I will too.

I believe this is what God wants for all of us.  To be there for one another, boosting and lifting up, not fighting and tearing down.  Most of the time I love to encourage others, now I am the one seeking encouragement.

It will take patience, prayer, and peace.  I need to quiet my mind and heart so I can receive it all.  Help a sista out and pray for me.


*The Holy Bible, New International Version Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

7 thoughts on “Sometimes The Silence Is The Answer

  1. For all things there is a season and it is very wise of you to honor each one! This is my first time to visit your site, but I for one am glad you’re writing!


  2. Yes, sometimes silence is just what we need. It helps to hear God.

    I am praying for you to hear from God and clearly understand his message. Maybe it was a season. Maybe it wasn’t. It just might be something more.

    You have been a tremendous help and support to me on my writing journey. Thank you!

    I hope God’s plan is for more writing for you. You bless many with your words.

    If you ever want to chat further let me know. I struggled a bit at first with did I want to be a mental health writer where much of my lessons learned in life come from or a writer with more topics on embracing the unexpected. Neither choice was wrong.

    However, for me, I am glad I chose the second one. It opened up more to write about, but yes my experience in loving someone with a mental health condition does influence my writing.

    IIn other words, we can write about our children without being a parenting blog as long as it fits our theme. Don’t misunderstand it is still wonderful to have parenting blogs out there. It is all a matter of choice.

    Your theme, “Revealing Hope in the Daily Grind.” is fantastic and can cover much more than Grief. Or maybe you want to totally revamp your writing and website.

    I have faith in your silence you will hear from God and be obedient. Of course, I will cry if you leave the writing world, but then again it is not about me.

    I gave up something I love this week to be obedient to what God wants. It is hard.



  3. Kelsey, I can so relate. I’m doing an extra bit of wondering about whether I should continue blogging. I am excited you’re at She Speaks and I’ll be praying God speaks to you through this weekend!


  4. Wow. You are speaking right yo me here, girl! I have really been focusing on my writing and my blog but have not received the feedback I was hoping for. I don’t plan to give up either, but one thing I’m trying to remember is that I write for God and not for others. As I watch my stats and what not, this us hard to remember, but it has helped me stay focused on what really matters. Thank you for writing 🙂


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